The governance of Sustainable City by France: a balanced, partnership-based organisation
The governance of Sustainable City by France brings together the public sector (State and local authorities) and the private sector (companies and experts), in order to combine approaches through the pooling of resources, the communal expression of needs, and the shared formulation of solutions that will allow us to make cities more sustainable.
These actors are grouped into four bodies: local authorities, State, private companies, experts. Each of these bodies has an equal weight in governance, regardless of the number of its members.
The committee
The Assembly of French Communities (AdCF), represented by its vice-president, Mayor of Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine and President of Caux Seine agglo
Ms. Virginie LUTROT
President responsible for eco-neighbourhoods and priority districts
The French national commission for eco-neighbourhoods represented by its President, Mayor of Laval, President of Laval Agglomération
Mr. Florian BERCAULT
Vice-President for the State body
The Directorate-General for Planning, Housing and Nature (Ministry of Ecological Transition) represented by its Deputy Director of Sustainable Urban Planning
Local authorities
Vice-President for the local authorities
The Assembly of French Communities (AdCF), represented by its vice-président culture, President of the Agglomeration Community of Blois
Mr. Christophe DEGRUELLE
Co-Vice-President for the buisness body
The Bouygues Group, represented by its Prospective Director,
Ms. Virginie ALONZI
Co-Vice-President for the buisness body
The Suez Group, represented by its Executive Vice-President Smart and Resourceful Cities,
Mr. Bruno HERVET
Vice-President for the experts body
General Delegate of the French Network of Urban Planning Agencies (National Federation of Urban Planning Agencies)
ADEME, the French agency for ecological transition, represented by its Executive Director of Expertise and Programmes
Ms. Anne-Claire MIALOT
General Director of ANRU, the French National Agency for Urban Renovation
Qualified personalities
Former Section President within the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CGEDD)
Mr. Philippe PELLETIER
President of the Sustainable Building Plan
Mr. Gérard WOLF
President of the MEDEF International Sustainable City task force and Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs coordinator for the exportation of the sustainable city
Board of Directors
This includes the members of the committee (see above), as well as the representatives of other active members:
In addition to this full-time involvement, active members of the association may take on the steering of an action in the work programme.
For more information on the SCbF’s governance, please consult the NGO’s statutes.