All projects
Operational examples to discover to inspire local actors and encourage the dissemination of good practices in France and internationally, in response to the challenges of sufficiency, resilience, inclusion and creativity.
Cœur de ville is an ambitious development operation that aims to provide the commune of La Possession with a new town centre, built in a long-term, sustainable and exemplary perspective,…
- Construction
- Quality of housing
- Materials
- Operation
- Natural and aquatic environments, biodiversity
- Planning
- Economy of service functionality
- Transport of people
- Communication (digital)
A genuine architectural achievement for one of the first low-carbon demonstrator high-rise buildings. 11-storey building of 146 flats. On a concrete base, the cross laminated timber…
- Quality of housing
- Materials
Construction of a wooden tower of 98 x 16-floor housing units in R+6 on the development territory of the administrative public establishment Euratlantique in Bordeaux. The central…
- Construction
- Quality of housing
- Materials
- Énergie
Set of 3 projects located in the concerted development zone (CDZ) of Chêne Saint-Fiacre in Chanteloup-en-Brie (in Seine-et-Marne): - The Lodges; - The "B-Cube" project; -…
- Construction
- Materials
- Quality of housing
- Energy
A district that ensures openness to nature and at the same time shelter from flooding: The former Matra site - formerly owned by the Normant factory from 1806 to 1969 - was located…
- Rénovation / Réhabilitation
- Quality of housing
- Planning
- Large water cycle
- Heritage
Developped by Grand Paris Aménagement, the "Docks of Ris" project is based on the reconversion of an 18-hectare sector of industrial wasteland, mostly owned by the State, in the north…
- Rénovation / Réhabilitation
- Construction
- Natural and aquatic environments, biodiversity
- Economy of service functionality
- Large water cycle
- Energy
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
Initially, the first project of 5 housings had been intended on a former farm following its acquisition in 2011. However, the project was abandoned due to the deficit of the operation…
- Construction
- Quality of housing
- Renovation / Rehabilitation
- Social solidarity economy
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
The project is part of the process of creating the new "Hibiscus University district" in Cayenne. This new district is strategic for the city and for all French Guyana, since it must…
- Exploitation
- Quality of housing
- Materials
- Natural and aquatic environments, biodiversity
- Planning
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
- Health
- Heritage
The project is an operation of social experimentation that takes the notion of "experimental" to heart so that it can be inscribed in a reality that is understandable and accessible…
- Rénovation / Réhabilitation
- Quality of housing
- Construction
- Social solidarity economy
- Economy of service functionality
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
The Dembeni Mamoudzou Agglomeration Community (CADEMA in French) has made a threefold observation: The housing market is extremely tight in Mamoudzou and most of the housing production…
- Rénovation / Réhabilitation
- Construction
- Operation
- Quality of housing
- Materials
- Urban renewal
- Collaborative economy
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
- Culture and leisure
In the face of the land inflation that is affecting the heart of the Lille metropolis, the Solidarity land organization / Real Solidarity Lease (OFS/BRS in French) scheme makes it possible…
- Rénovation / Réhabilitation
- Quality of housing
- Social solidarity economy
- Heritage
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
On the edge of the Eure river, the district has been designed in such a way as to accept the ten-, thirty- and one-hundred-year floods of this tributary of the Seine; the areas where…
- Quality of housing
- Landscape
- Natural and aquatic environments, biodiversity
- Planning
- Urban renewal
- Decreased and active mobility
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity
- Territorial food system
Awarded a prize at the BatiActu Building Trophies on 15 September 2020, the ABC (Autonomous Building for Citizens) residence, delivered in Summer 2020 by Linkcity and Bouygues Construction…
- Construction
- Quality of housing
- Circular economy
- Responsible consumption
- Energy
- Large water cycle
- Digitalisation of services
The French Guyana Public Land Development Establishment (EPFAG in French), in partnership with the town of Rémire-Montjoly, wanted to design the Vidal eco-district according to the…
- Quality of housing
- Planning
- Social solidarity economy
- Energy
- Transport of people
- Large water cycle
- Strengthening of social links and of solidarity