From 15 to 17 November, France Villes et territoires Durables will be at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona, Spain.
Held in Barcelona since 2011, the Smart City Expo World Congress is the leading international event for smart cities.
Every year, Sustainable City by France partners with Business France and contributes to federating all the French professionals present in Barcelona, under the banner “Choose France”, with the objective of carrying the Franco-European vision of the city – smart, but above all, sustainable. In other words: sufficient, resilient, inclusive and creative.
Sustainable City by France’s Highlights for the 2022 Edition
Don’t miss:
Wednesday, November 16th
11:30 am – 12:30 pm: La French Fab conference in the central Agora, “Innovating for a better life in cities: For the development of sufficient, resilient, inclusive and creative territories on a global scale”.
With interventions by:
- Patrice Vergriete, President of Sustainable City by France and the Urban Community of Dunkerque
- Bruno Hervet, Managing Director of Suez Consulting & Smart Cities and Vice-President of Sustainable City by France
- Denis Hameau, Delegate Councillor of Dijon Métropole
- Xavier Mongin, Global Director for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Public Sector, Defense and Smart cities
- Xavier Puyal Torras, Engie (to be confirmed)
- Brigitte Bariol-Mathais, General Delegate of FNAU and Vice President of Sustainable City by France
14h15 : Participation of Patrice Vergriete in the Congress “The New Economic Models Driving Growth” – intervention on the theme “Taking the turn of the 21st century: meeting industrial challenges and carbon neutrality in Dunkirk”
Our team will be present at the “Choose France” pavilion all three days of the event